VIDEO: Indian Railways TTE Electrocuted When Live Wire Falls @Kharagpur Railway Station
A ticket checker was electrocuted after coming in contact with an live wire at the Kharagpur station in West Bengal. The accident was caught on a CCTV camera has gone viral on social media platforms since the accident happens.
The video shows the man who is identified as Sujan Singh Sardar (TTE), it can seen clearly that the man is standing at the platform and talking with a man and suddenly a live wire fell on him from behind. Read: 5-Foot Long Alligator Found in Giant Burmese Python Stomach- Florida, See Video
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In the viral video we can also see that as soon as wire touches the man he fell down on the railway track with his head down. Also Read: Woman Died On a Beach in South Carolina by an Umbrella Caught In a Wind Gust
The man was immediately taken to the hospital and currently he is under treatment. He had injuries on his head and several parts of his body and is currently under treatment.
On being asked about live wire falling down, Mohammad Sujat Hashmi, Kharagpur DRM, said that it might have been caused by birds as they often pick up small wires.